Exhibition preview
Exhibition preview

Eugene of Savoy – The Man Behind the Prince. 300 Years of Schloss Hof Estate

March 15, 2025November 2, 2025

Schloss Hof

Schloss Hof

The special exhibition 2025 is dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Schloss Hof Estate as designed by Prince Eugene of Savoy.  In 1725, Eugene of Savoy acquired the Hof estate, located around 40 kilometers east of Vienna, and began to transform the original Renaissance fort into a Baroque palace complex. He created a place here that left nothing to be desired.

To mark the occasion, the Schönbrunn Group is dedicating an extensive special exhibition to the prince and his last major building project. The show presents the many facets of his fascinating life and his meteoric rise to become one of the wealthiest and most influential personalities of the Baroque era. In addition to the exciting life story and the associated official role of the prince, his circle of friends is also examined in more detail. Who was the private Eugene? With whom was he in close contact? What were the interests of this rather introverted general and how was he perceived by those around him?

The high-caliber artists whom the prince entrusted with commissions are presented and the special features of his building projects are explained, above all Schloss Hof. What were the prince's motives for building himself a prestigious retreat in the countryside?

Fact & Figures

Curated by: Katrin Harter, Martin Mutschlechner and Birgit Schmidt-Messner

On display is a representative selection of objects from the Schönbrunn Group's collection, supplemented by exhibits from museum lenders and private collections.


Eugene – Networker and Collector

The exhibition section in Schloss Hof spotlights the behind the ballistic rise of Prince Eugene as one of the most influential personalities of the Austrian Baroque epoch. It vividly illustrates the multifaceted aspects of this brilliant networker and manic collector, the hub of an élite circle of friends and artists.


Eugene –Patron of Architecture and Visionary

In Schloss Niederweiden, which is itself a jewel of Baroque architecture, the focus is on the Prince’s top architectural achievements. Schloss Hof and its spectacular gardens – Eugene’s last major development project – is presented as an expression of the aristocratic lifestyle and the epoch’s joie de vivre.



Eugene of Savoy – The man behind the prince

300 Years of Schloss Hof Estate

An exhibition at two locations – Schloss Hof and Schloss Niederweiden

March 15, 2025 – November 2, 2025

Website with visitor information

A special exhibition by the Schönbrunn Group under the direction of Klaus Panholzer.

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