Technisches Museum Wien
Technisches Museum Wien – The Experience²
Technisches Museum Wien, the only universal technical museum in Austria, is located opposite Schönbrunn Palace and presents information and entertainment from the kaleidoscopic world of technology and technical achievements: interactive stations, highlights, special, motivating guided tours for every age, and a theme-park section designed especially for children (up to age 6) – the “mini”.
The museum is one of enormous diversity, including the major collections of the Habsburgs Francis I and Ferdinand I and even a modern television studio. Among the highlights are the imperial saloon car belonging to the Empress Elisabeth, the Mercedes “Silverpfeil”, Peter Mitterhofer’s typewriter, the astronomical clock by Imsser, and the department of historic musical instruments.
The permanent exhibition of Technisches Museum Wien covers the themes of “nature and knowledge”, “technical images”, “heavy industry”, “energy”, transport”, “music”, “media.welten” and “everyday life – directions for use”.
The Mini
The museum has its own fun theme-park section for pre-school and elementary-school children, a learning-by-playing experience for the child’s first contact with technology and the institution of a museum.
Actions and events
Technisches Museum Wien is a museum for the whole family. The current monthly programme can be viewed at www.technischesmuseum.at.
Archives and library
The specialist library – part of the museum since its very first years – is operated on the basis of academic scholarship. Awaiting the reader are monographs, historical and topical magazines and journals, also books on all topics of science, technology and industrial history. Moreover, the library has unique specialist sections including the Libri-Rari Collection, the collection of catalogues from world fairs and industrial companies and the holdings of the former Post- und Telegraphenmuseum.

Monday to Friday 9 am – 6 pm
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 10 am – 6 pm