Palais Liechenstein. The Princely Collections
One of the world’s largest and most important private art collections, owned by the Prince von und zu Liechtenstein, contains masterpieces from the early Renaissance to the High Baroque era,
including highlights from the oeuvres of Peter Paul Rubens, Rembrandt, Anthony van Dyck, Lucas Cranach the Elder, Frans Hals and Raphael, as well as the Badminton Cabinet, the most expensive piece of furniture in the world. The collections also include unique and precious holdings of prints and engravings, Italian bronzes of the 16th and 17th century, pietra dura objects, porcelain, tapestries and ivories that once graced the castles and palaces owned by the family.
In January 2012 Palais Liechtenstein GmbH was launched as the new umbrella brand for the Liechtenstein GARDEN PALACE and the Liechtenstein CITY PALACE. Both palaces have been deeply rooted in Vienna’s history for over 300 years. The GARDEN PALACE in the ninth district of Vienna has already become a favourite locale for distinctive event planning, film- and photo-shoots.From 2013 the Liechtenstein CITY PALACE, situated at the heart of Vienna near the Burgtheater and the Volksgarten, will provide additional impressive events venues. The unique atmosphere of the palaces conveys an impression of aristocratic life.
Both palaces are presented on the website www.palaisliechtenstein.com. Photographs, 360° tours, floor plans and videos provide an overview of the palaces' interiors. You can also send an online request to the Palais Liechtenstein events team, who will help you to choose a venue and organize your event. Exclusive guided tours of the Princely Collections can also be booked online.