Austria Tabak GmbH | The JTI Tobacco Collection Vienna
JTI refers to the international tobacco sector of Japan Tobacco Inc., the third-largest tobacco company in the world. It headquarters is in Geneva and it operates 80 offices worldwide, selling its brands in more than 120 countries and running around 30 factories. The JTI Region Central Europe has Vienna as its headquarters supervising 18 markets: Austria, Germany, Poland, Greece, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia and also Malta and Cyprus. Austria Tabak has belonged to the JTI group since 2007 and is at present represented with around 70 cigarette brands. The portfolio includes such Austrian classics as "Memphis", "Smart" and "Meine Sorte", also international top brands like "Winston", "Camel" and "Benson & Hedges", to name just a few. The JTI Tobacco Collection Vienna was founded in 1873 and is the largest tobacco history collection in Europe. The holdings encompass 9300 inventoried items and range from pre-Columbian pipes to contemporary cigarette packets.